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Glue Trapped

10,000 Birds

'Glue traps: For compassion’s sake, please do not set, place, or hang them. Here’s why. Sentient people recoil at the idea of leg-hold traps, those medieval–torture devices which cause so much pain and suffering before their victims eventually die, are killed, or (very occasionally) are rescued. However, many people who wouldn’t dream of setting a leg-hold trap use glue traps, which accomplish the same thing – just on a smaller scale.

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Pet Choking and CPR Infographic

4 The Love Of Animals

'Hopefully you will never need to know how to perform CPR on your dog or cat, but it is important to know how should the worst happen. Pet choking and cpr [Infographic] by the team at Kurgo. The post Pet Choking and CPR Infographic appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

Pets 218

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Snow Leopard hunt by Adam Riley (INDRI Ultimate Wildlife Tours)

10,000 Birds

'It was our third day in high elevation Hemis National Park, we had awakened before dawn and chugged down a mug of life-giving coffee before ascending a few hundred yards to a knoll above our tented camp in the Rhumbak Valley. Our group watching the first Snow Leopard from a knoll above our camp in Hemis National Park. At this very spot, on our first afternoon in the park, and within half an hour of officially beginning our Snow Leopard search, our expert local spotter had exclaimed “ Shan !!

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How many birds are killed by windmills and other green energy projects?

10,000 Birds

'Nobody knows and I’m not going to pretend to tell you. However, in this post, I’d like to lay out the basic numbers as we pretend to know them about overall bird mortality, human related causes of mortality, and somewhere in there I’ll note that the number of birds that are killed by windmills is so small that it says “zero” on my pie chart.

Killing 274
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Webinar & PDF Test

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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How Pets Can Improve Your Health

4 The Love Of Animals

'Expert cites scientifically-proven therapeutic, physical and emotional health benefits of loving and caring for a pet. Pet ownership runs far deeper than simply caring for a possession. Yes, the sheer responsibility of caring for a pet has notable benefits in and of itself. But, pets also become bona fide family members with which we establish genuine relationships—incomparable emotional bonds that can have extraordinarily positive physical and psychological impacts on humans.

Pets 216
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Calling All Birders: Come To Hog Island!

10,000 Birds

'The first time I saw a puffin, it was a revelation. I’d seen pictures of them, of course – the stocky, flamboyantly-beaked little seabirds who always seem to be wearing expressions of sympathetic concern – but I’d never seen one “in bird” (the avian equivalent of “in person”). I was returning from Rockport, Maine, having retrieved my daughter Skye and her friend Bau-Hien from a photography workshop.

Puffins 274

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Emerald Ash Borers vs. Woodpeckers (and Nuthatches)

10,000 Birds

'How do you solve a problem like the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)? With all due respect to Maria von Trapp, combating the greatest infestation that U.S. forests have ever seen may not be as simple as learning to sing “do re mi.” These bark-burrowing beetles, which apparently hitched a ride in cargo shipments from their native Asia, have been starving the ash trees of eastern and midwestern North America to death for a dozen years now.

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Rip Van Winkle’s Crow Killing Contest

10,000 Birds

'I am not anti-hunting. I won’t pick a fight with hunters, as long as they eat what they shoot and don’t use lead ammunition. However, I will pick a fight with the Rip Van Winkle Rod and Gun Club in Palenville, New York, which is sponsoring their fourth annual “Crow Down” March 29-30, 2014. The “Crow Down” is a “hunting contest” where both adults and children slaughter as many crows as they possibly can in two days.

Killing 272
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Tiny Asian bird discovered as sole member of ancient family. Who’s next?

10,000 Birds

'Big news about a small bird broke earlier this month when bird researchers from several nations announced that the species formerly known as Spotted Wren-Babbler ( Spelaeornis formosus ) — a tiny, secretive bird of montane forests from the eastern Himalayas to southeast China — is not a Spelaeornis wren-babbler at all. Instead, it appears to be the sole member of a very old family ( Discovery of a relict lineage and monotypic family of passerine birds , Alström et al.).

Family 272
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Lost Animals: Extinction and the Photographic Record: A Book Review

10,000 Birds

'One of the reasons I enjoy about reviewing books is the opportunity to read titles I wouldn’t ordinarily encounter, not because they aren’t good but because they don’t fall easily into a category. Lost Animals: Extinction and the Photographic Record by Errol Fuller is one of these books. Yes, it is about extinction, a popular topic in the Year of the Passenger Pigeon.

Animal 270
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PDF 9.21.23

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Walking? Use the @ResQwalk app to help animals!

4 The Love Of Animals

'Friends, the ResQwalk app is awesome. Not only is it free, it’s helps your favorite shelter or rescue just by doing something you already do. Walking! When you have downloaded the app you can then choose which rescue you want your part of the weekly donation to go towards. You can actually choose up to three charities to walk for. From there, it’s just as simple as using the app to track your walks!

Animal 212
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Blinded by the Light: Hornby’s Storm-Petrels in Lima-Peru

10,000 Birds

'Featured photo: Alfredo Fernandez. The Hornby’s storm-petrel ( Oceanodroma Hornbyi ) is a fairly common bird along the coast of Peru and Chile. Most, if not all pelagic birding trips in the region record this species, often by the hundreds. But as common as they may be, nobody knows where they nest. The Hornby’s (or ringed) storm-petrel occurs along a relatively narrow band on the Pacific Ocean.

Peru 269
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Spectacular Birding on Cerro Montezuma

10,000 Birds

'What happens when you visit one of the best birdwatching sites in the region with the highest number of endemic bird species in the Americas in the world’s birdiest country? Your mind gets blown. How else can I describe two days at Cerro Montezuma in Colombia. Cerro Montezuma or Montezuma Peak lies within Tatama National Park in Colombia’s Western Cordillera.

Colombia 267
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Simplify your cleaning routine with Neato Robot Vacuums #NeatoBestPetVacuum

4 The Love Of Animals

'Everyone who loves a pet knows that they aren’t always tidy. Let’s face it, pet hair and other pet messes means more cleaning. Of course we wouldn’t trade our pets for anything in the world, which is why I am excited to share the Neato Robot Vacuum with you today! This little robot is going to help you simplify your cleaning routine!

Pets 210
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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National Feral Cat Day Didn’t Go As Planned

10,000 Birds

'feral cat with a Golden-crowned Kinglet by Isaac Grant. Pity the poor souls at Alley Cat Allies. They have been so successful in suckering cities and other municipalities into believing that they can solve their feral cat problems through Trap-Neuter-Return (T-N-R) that now citizens of those towns have had their eyes (and their noses) opened to what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

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Stop the Madness: More Whooping Cranes Shot

10,000 Birds

'As if the last month’s revelation of a pair of murdered Whooping Cranes wasn’t devastating enough, the bad news just keeps on coming. Another pair of Whoopers has been shot , this time in Louisiana. The female was killed but experts suggest the male will survive, although perhaps without the ability to fly. (Image above by AP Photo/Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.).

Louisiana 270
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Great News! Feral Cats to be Removed from Plumb Beach, Brooklyn!

10,000 Birds

'Nature lovers, rejoice! The National Park Service is finally going to remove the feral cat colony from Plumb Beach, part of the Gateway National Recreation Area. Signs like the one above went up late last week. Seeing as Plumb Beach is a known stopover area for large numbers of shorebirds, a known breeding area for a variety of saltmarsh species, including Clapper Rails , and habitat for a wide variety of mammals, reptiles, insects, and other bird species, this is a long overdue move.

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The Devil Is In The D-Con

10,000 Birds

'This is a story of how an evil corporation was … I’d like to say “was brought to its knees,” but will settle for “was forced to endure a setback.”. Last week the poison manufacturer Reckitt-Benckiser announced it would pull 12 of the most toxic forms of D-Con, its popular rodenticide, from store shelves. This was more than 30 years after these types of anti-coagulants had first been implicated in the deaths of protected wildlife and pets, as well as the sickening of children.

Rats 264
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Snowy Owls Caught a Ride to the Netherlands

10,000 Birds

'How dramatic has this winter’s Snowy Owl irruption been? How about so dramatic that nine birds caught a ride on a freighter and some made it all the way across the Atlantic Ocean ? You can see pictures of them on this blog , which is in Dutch. At least two of the birds ended up in the Netherlands where they have been delighting birders from across Europe.

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Feral Pigeons World Wide

10,000 Birds

'New Year’s Day 2014. With binoculars around my neck, I am leaving home, wondering which will be the first species on my year list. On a parking lot, I pass by an invisible bird and continue to my local patch of the Ada Huja Danube Riverbank , where my first bird becomes the Rook. And yet, I have passed by one before that. The one I do not count.

Feral 260
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How Do You Stop Ravens From Destroying Your Car?

10,000 Birds

'A good friend of my mother’s back in my hometown of Saugerties, New York, is having a problem. She and her coworkers have had their cars besieged by Common Ravens. The ravens rip apart their windshield wipers and destroy the rubber seals that keep their cars waterproof. Now, this is not an unknown problem. In south Florida, Black Vultures attack cars ; in Australia, it’s Black Crows ; in Canada, American Crows.

Florida 262
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Releasing White Doves

10,000 Birds

'Thinking of releasing white doves to commemorate your wedding or the memorial of a loved one? Think twice, and do some research. White doves: symbols of love, commitment, peace, hope, etc. However: they are not wild birds, and have no idea how to survive outside captivity. Where do they go after they fly away? This is an important question. If you are determined to release white doves at your ceremony, it is essential to make sure you can afford to hire people who will release strong, healthy b

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Get Thee To A Wildlife Rehabilitator

10,000 Birds

'Why does this little Screech Owl look so horrified? It’s not because of the color of the carpet, although I was probably wearing the same expression when I first saw it. It’s because she’s in a house, she’s scared to death, and she wants her mother. If that’s not possible, she needs the knowledgeable care of a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

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Frank Gilbert’s Awesome Hospital Cage

10,000 Birds

'One summer my father came to visit from his home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. He is the handiest of handy guys; he has fixed my lighting, the plumbing, wired my entire house so the flip of a switch would make it come alive with music, and, one Christmas, showed my son how to install a major stereo system in his 1996 Jeep Cherokee (which elevated them both to hero status at the local high school).

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Birding and Safari-ing South Africa with the ABA

10,000 Birds

'I wanted Penguins. And Sunbirds. And Flamingos and Hornbills and a Secretarybird and birds with names like Hamerkop and Thick-knee and Eremomela (which I know is a scientific term, but which, when pronounced correctly, reminds me of a Yiddish term of endearment my grandmother used). And so, I went on the American Birding Association Safari to South Africa.

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Do Not Feed Baby Birds Milk or Bread

10,000 Birds

'Birds have no boobs. Although it might look like they could have a pair or two lurking beneath all those chest feathers, they actually don’t. Birds hatch out of eggs, like some species of snakes, who also have no boobs, although with a snake the fact is more readily apparent. While snakes protect their eggs, and may protect their young for a short period of time after they hatch, baby snakes are very soon on their own.

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Be Careful What You Wish For: A Punter’s Guide to the World Birding Rally

10,000 Birds

'Hugh Powell is a science editor at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Hugh, who years ago helped me find my first Pauraque in the Rio Grande Valley , visited Peru as part of the 2014 World Birding Rally, where he stopped thinking of himself as an experienced birder. This is his first contribution to 10,000 Birds. : Come to Peru, they said. There’s this World Birding Rally that’s going to blast across 1,500 kilometers of northern Peru.

Peru 255
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Wildlife Rehabber Misidentification

10,000 Birds

'“Here’s an idea for a blog,” wrote Donna Osburn, a wildlife rehabilitator from Kentucky. “What’s your best misidentification of a bird?”. This is a great topic. It even has two parts. Rehabbers are constantly receiving birds misidentified by their finders; and on occasion some of us even receive birds we misidentify ourselves. The creature above was brought to me by an elegantly-dressed man who had found him outside his condo.

Wildlife 257
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#DogProblems giveaway!

4 The Love Of Animals

'The team at Purina Veterinary Diets is igniting a conversation around common #DogProblems, like gas (oh, dog gas can be almost deadly, can’t it?!). The hope is to get concerned owners to talk to their vet about pet food allergies – they even created a Symptom Checker for people to learn more about the topic. They are also taking a humorous approach, creating some funny dog memes about common dog problems.

Pets 201
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Giveaway: Clearview Dog Fence Window

4 The Love Of Animals

'This is a FUN product, for you and your dog! The Clearview Dog Fence Solution is a window that you can easily install in your fence so your pooch can get a nice view of the world beyond the yard! This could be so fun for a dog (or even kids) to have! And yes, we have one to giveaway to a lucky reader. Since our fence is chain link, we haven’t had a chance to try the product personally, but it sure seems awesome!

Dogs 201
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Test Webinar 6/19/20 03

This is a webinar to test the attendee data event.