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Tips to Use eBird for Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

EBird! It’s part of modern birding. In some parts of the world, it seems like most birders use it, myself included and why not? Make a bird list for anywhere, anytime and on a hand held device! Don’t have a connection? No problem! Note birds the old fashioned way (that would be writing on paper) and submit those observations back at the homestead or wherever you have a connection.

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Cutest animal adoption application ever.

4 The Love Of Animals

Are you ready to see the most creative, cutest, animal adoption application ever? Tah and Kole Whitty have taken to the internet to find the perfect rescue chihuahua.

Adoptable 203

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What Was Your First Bird of 2020?

10,000 Birds

It’s 2020! What was your first bird of the year? Of the decade, even? Here’s hoping it was something good and it starts you off right on a whole year of wonderful birds! Happy New Year to you from the 10,000 Birds crew! The post What Was Your First Bird of 2020? appeared first on 10,000 Birds.

2020 256
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Uganda’s Billion Dollar Bird: The Shoebill

10,000 Birds

Not all birds are created equal. The Resplendent Quetzal boasts a tail so long that people travel the world to admire it. The Sword-billed Hummingbird puts its less endowed kin to shame. Penguins are, obviously, penguins, which makes them awesome. These are the kinds of birds even those barely cognizant of nature recognize, appreciate, and aspire to.

Uganda 254
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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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Birders: A Documentary Short Film Review

10,000 Birds

The first shot of Birders is of a helicopter. It’s an official-looking helicopter, photographed flying in the air at eye level, as if we’re next to it. Then, a long shot looking down of the Rio Grande delta, green and brown, but mostly green, bisected by a continuing, curving brown line. We see a closer shot of the river itself, hawks flying across the span, and then we see that brown line again, close up, a wall of brown panels filling the right side of the screen, continuing into t

Advocacy 266
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Rename All Birds Named After White People

10,000 Birds

Zach Schwartz-Weinstein is a writer, teacher, organizer, and birdwatcher who lives in upstate New York. The ornithological practice of naming species after dead white people — almost universally dead white men, with the exceptions of Lucy’s , Grace’s , Virginia’s , and Blackburnian Warblers , (which are named for dead white women) is fundamentally an index of ornithology’s complicity with the history of European imperialism and settler colonialism.

Birds 260

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The First Bird Tracking Station Is Up and Running in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Bird migration! In October, it’s what’s happening in Costa Rica. Our big month of bird movements in Costa Rica, the 10th month of the year, is when most of the swallows, Scarlet Tanagers , thrushes, and other species on the South American express push through. Some stop right in front of our place in the urbanized intermontane valley where the majority of Costa Ricans reside.

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Bird Counts and Cold Fronts in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

It doesn’t get cold in Costa Rica. At least that’s how I see it but then again, since I grew up in a place that goes Arctic for a few months of each year, my personal position on “cold” might not coincide with the one held by folks in the tropical zone. That’s where Costa Rica is situated of course and is partly why so many birds live here.

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12 countries with the greatest bird species density

10,000 Birds

The Species per Square Mile Approach. While Colombia may have almost 2000 bird species, it is a huge country with, still, complicated long-distance travel logistics. On the other hand, small countries with relatively long bird lists offer higher species densities per square mile. And small country often equals short distances and easy traveling. The mongabay.com portal has compared data on a unit of area basis of the percentage of the total global number of species of birds, amphibians, mammals,

Gambia 233
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The 20 best birds of Belgrade and where to find them

10,000 Birds

Some five years ago I was involved in a project of ecotourism evaluation of the river Danube in Serbia, which included the city of Belgrade, founded at the bank of this river. The toughest thing for me, as a local birder, was to choose the most attractive birds because those that attract my attention are generally all too common in the northwest of Europe, from where most visiting birders are coming.

Serbia 248
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Finding a Country First: Pectoral Sandpiper in Uganda

10,000 Birds

After our two-week-long familiarity trip across Uganda, we ten visiting birders were tired. But Friday, 6 December, was the first day of the African Birding Expo and we knew that sleeping in wasn’t an option because the afternoon would be spent doing expo events and we wanted to get some time to go birding. So we made our way to the grounds of the Uganda Wildlife Education Center , a former zoo that now rehabilitates injured animals.

Uganda 224
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Huizaches, Granjenos, and Nopales

10,000 Birds

Over the past few months, I have attempted to introduce our readers to some of my favorite birding sites around my city of Morelia, Mexico. Along the way, I hope to give you an idea of what birding in Mexico is like. However, I had not yet spoken of one site which is especially dear to me: the area surrounding the church my wife and I pastor. In order to buy a decent-sized property, we went to the zone just beyond the urban area; and without planning it so, we ended up in a very birdy zone.

Shelters 228
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Fall Birding at Nisqually NWR

10,000 Birds

Most of the estuaries of Puget Sound in Washington State have been developed, but one of the few that remain is the Nisqually River Delta, which was protected as a National Wildlife Refuge in 1974. Since that time, parts of the Nisqually estuary have been restored by removing dikes and reconnecting it with Puget Sound. In addition to the estuary, the refuge also contains the Nisqually River, creeks, freshwater ponds, wetlands, as well as riparian and forested areas.

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Yellow-faced Honeyeaters

10,000 Birds

Yellow-faced Honeyeaters – Calygavis chrysops are found in the eastern and south eastern parts of Australia. They are not present in Western Australia or the Northern Territory, so not a bird species that we get to observe very often. The Brown Honeyeaters , Rufous-throated Honeyeaters , Red-headed Honeyeaters and Singing Honeyeaters in Broome have a much longer bill than the Yellow-faced Honeyeaters.

Australia 202
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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How to Bird on Crutches

10,000 Birds

Clearly, it is easier said than done. And after three decades of walking on crutches, I still do not know how to answer the title question. Probably because I find it very uncomfortable, so I prefer to bird from a sitting position, of which I have already written here (birding by car , by kayak …), but I have only rarely written about birding on foot (e.g. in the Lazarev Canyon ).

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The Royal Mile: Birding Fit For a King

10,000 Birds

In birding circles, certain stretches of road or trail attain mythical status, eliciting knowing smiles and satisfied grins when mentioned. Aficionados of American birding know all too well the wonders of Panama’s Pipeline Road. If you are into amazing avian-dense trail experiences, you either want to bird Pipeline Road or want to bird it again. But this type of singular experience can be enjoyed in the Old World as well.

Uganda 200
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What is a “Nonessential Experimental” California Condor?

10,000 Birds

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently proposed reintroducing California Condors in the Pacific Northwest. Although sometimes thought of a bird of the Southwest, the condor’s historical range reaches as far north as British Columbia. In 1806, Lewis and Clark saw condors near the Columbia River, which makes up much of the Washington-Oregon border.

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Birds of Visselhövede in Winter

10,000 Birds

This sounds like an exciting topic for a blog post, right? Birds of a specific place with an unpronounceable name that you have never heard of? Well, this post is more specific than that – it is about the birds of Fliederweg 7, 27374 Visselhövede, Germany. Which happens to be the exact address of my parents` home. For a birdwatcher, it is rather nice to be at a place where – unlike my 13th floor Shanghai apartment – there are birds right outside the house.

Germany 199
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Gabriel PDF Webinar 2

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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How to Bird the Colibri Cafe at Cinchona, Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Watching birds, birding, is inexorably tied to autonomous motivation. Maybe that’s why birders just might be obsessive about it or at least, very much into the hobby, the birding way of life. No one is forcing us to get up in the cold eye-tired dawn to drive to the sewage ponds, to scope a stormy sea, to stretch the limits of alert behavior during 20 solid hours of Big Day ridiculousness.

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Birding Fraser`s Hill

10,000 Birds

Birding Fraser`s Hil. Fraser`s Hill in peninsular Malaysia is another one of these almost legendary birding locations in Southeast Asia. Birdwatching being an activity which cannot easily be shifted to air-conditioned rooms, the cooler climate compared to places such as Taman Negara is actually quite an advantage. And the birding is somewhat easier here as long as you do not make the mistake of reading some of the older bird guides.

Birds 195
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Bird of Prey: The Story of the Rarest Eagle on Earth – A Film Review

10,000 Birds

The Philippine Eagle has a kind face. I couldn’t help thinking this–me, the anthropomorphism hater– as I watched a pair of Philippine Eagles tend their nest, raise a chick, and tear monkeys apart in Bird of Prey: The Story of the Rarest Eagle on Earth , a well-crafted, beautifully filmed documentary with a mission. Recently released for streaming after a year of film festival showings, Bird of Prey’s creators want to ignite support for conservation measures that will stem the decline

Eagles 203
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Costa Rica Tops 700 Species on Global Big Day, October 19

10,000 Birds

Global Big Day (GBD). This biggest day of eBirding kicked off in earnest a few years ago. The idea was to see how many birds could be collectively identified by folks anywhere and everywhere. Go birding, eBird the results and see what happens! People got on board, lots of people got on board and throughout the world. The tourism ministries of some countries leveraged the day to promote birding tourism, some folks wanted to showcase the avian wealth of their country, others went into full Big Day

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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The Top 25 Target Birds to Look for in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

“Target birds” The term can foster excitement but is easily contentious. It would be uber cool to lay eyes on a rare lifer, on species that only seem to live on the pages of a field guide but isn’t that somewhat discriminatory? Aren’t all birds worth watching? And why spend time only looking for one or two species when those hours could be used to put binos focused on a few dozen?

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Recent Changes to the Costa Rica Bird List

10,000 Birds

Some birders are more learners than listers, others more photographers than birders. However, no matter how one enjoys or takes in interest in the avian side of life, an official list of the birds for a given area is of vital importance. That grouping of bird species shows which ducks, rails and wood-warblers use the protected habitats of a wildlife refuge, which species might be expected in a local patch, and, most of all, if it’s worth getting out of bed in the blistering cold dawn to tr

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Six Months Birding in Costa Rica, 620 Species of Birds

10,000 Birds

Growing up in Niagara Falls, New York, June was a celebration of summer. It was finally, actually, truly warm outside and it was therefore a time of baseball, the fresh scent of cut grass and, best of all, no more school! Growing up birding in Western New York was also a time when the old woods of the Niagara Gorge were punctuated with the songs of hidden Red-eyed and Warbling Vireos and the lazy notes of Eastern Wood-Pewees.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of November 2019)

10,000 Birds

Whatever weather you experienced this weekend probably resembles your next four months or so, although probably not as extreme. The same applies to your weekend’s birding. Hope you enjoyed it! Ivy and I took out time scouring the frigid shores of Lake Ontario to snag her first Purple Sandpiper , a perfect harbinger of the long winter to come. Corey got out on Saturday morning for some birding while he puttered around various spots in Queens.

2019 194
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How to Bird Murchison Falls

10,000 Birds

An expanse of habitat as vast as Murchison Falls NP in Uganda, as excessively generous in beauty and biodiversity, permits endless ways to experience both its birds and animals. The route Corey and I took in advance of the 2019 African Birding Expo may not be the only optimal way to go, but this approach yielded an absolute bounty of wildlife excitement in just 48 action-packed hours.

Uganda 179
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Just in Time: Kenn Kaufman’s “A Season on the Wind” — a review

10,000 Birds

How blessed can one guy be? Not only is Kenn Kaufman a world-class birder and all-around naturalist who makes his living doing what he loves. Not only has he authored multiple field guides, and prose works, too (such as the classic coming-of-age-as-a-birder story, Kingbird Highway ). But best of all — the thing that shows, surely, that he was born under a lucky star, is this: he’s now (as of 2005, when he migrated, permanently, to Ohio) — a Buckeye.

Ohio 194
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Urban Birding in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Costa Rica is well known for national parks and other protected areas than offer access to tropical ecosystems dripping with biodiversity. Lots of birds, a lot of really cool birds! The Emerald Tanager is one of those cool ones. However, as with many other places throughout the globe, this small country also has its fair share of urban wildlife. These are the plants and animals that strive to persist in the realm of Homo sapiens.

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Uncommon Yellowthroats

10,000 Birds

The Yellowthroat group is an odd collection of bird species. The one migratory species, aptly named the Common Yellowthroat , can be seen almost anywhere in North America. Another one, the Masked Yellowthroat , can be found in five unconnected resident territories over much of South America. Both are marsh-dwelling species. The next-most-widely-ranging Yellowthroats , the Gray-crowned and the Hooded, favor grasslands and scrub.

Mexico 188
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Test Webinar 6/19/20 03

This is a webinar to test the attendee data event.