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When is a Vulture Not a Vulture?

10,000 Birds

Alas, although I was once a California boy, I have never seen a California Condor. Here in Mexico, I can almost always count on Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures to pad each outing’s list by two species. Occasionally I have been lucky enough to see Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures in tropical Mexico.

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Rupununi River Cruise

10,000 Birds

Alas, there must have been some lesson taking place that was beyond my understanding. We observed the adult bird drink hesitantly from the river, and I wondered why it didn’t opt for a safer, more secluded option. Surely there must have been copious carnivores lurking in the murky water who wouldn’t mind a feathery snack.

Guyana 192

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Maine Jumpstarted My 2021 Birding

10,000 Birds

You’d think I could have begun my 2021 year list with something less familiar in Florida. A Red-breasted Nuthatch perhaps? A Hairy Woodpecker ? Even a Black-capped Chickadee. On the morning of January 1st, I woke up to Mourning Doves pecking beneath my parents’ bird feeder. Birding from a Maine beach. But still!

Florida 184
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You Work with What You’ve Got

10,000 Birds

Alas, this little lovely perched on a wire just outside the window of the classroom where I was teaching at the moment, so no photos were taken. And they are so trusting that I found myself musing whether I would lose Lifer Points if one should happen to climb onto my lap. I confess that I did, however, momentarily lose all concentration.

Barn Owls 188
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Myiarchus Mysteries

10,000 Birds

Alas – both Trinidad and Tobago each have two Myiarchus flycatchers. Notorious for being difficult to identify, the ideal situation would be to have no possible overlap of species. One is found on Trinidad only, the other on Tobago only – and the third is found on both islands.

Trinidad 193
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Another Look

10,000 Birds

Alas, I must wait for another opportunity. So we waited, and waited. It preened, looked around, preened some more, fluffed up a bit. After about half an hour, it began to vocalize – and then flew off into the darkness. Thankfully I had seen it earlier this year and there were no powerlines around that time.

Owls 187
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I Started a Club

10,000 Birds

Alas, these highly unpredictable birds seem to have moved on. We saw 72 species, although in winter we could have found 30 more. This Monday we went to the path to Triquillo, to check out a burnt-out forest that might offer the Aztec Thrushes my biologist friends lust after.

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