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Owling in Trinidad & Tobago

10,000 Birds

Turns out that this species was another common species, and is reliably seen at several sites across Trinidad. This medium-sized owl has a bone-chilling call and is generally a strictly nocturnal resident of deeper forest on Trinidad. I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t yet light, the sky was still a dark blue.

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Hummingbirds of Trinidad

10,000 Birds

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago may share equal billing in the dichotomous nation’s name, but Trinidad boasts the lion’s share of the land mass, population, and hummingbirds. Visitors to Trinidad can scarcely help encountering stunning hummers just about everywhere.

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Haus Alpenz: The Scarlet Ibis – Trinidad Rum

10,000 Birds

One of the first things most people think of when they think of Trinidad – perhaps after steel drums and calypso – is rum. The Scarlet Ibis is one of two national birds of the Republic Trinidad and Tobago , the other being the Rufous-vented Chachalaca. Haus Alpenz: The Scarlet Ibis – Trinidad Rum.

Trinidad 103
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The Elusive GUIANAN TROGON: A Serendipitous Backyard Encounter

10,000 Birds

By Fitzroy Rampersad Fitzroy or Fitz as he is fondly called began observing and photographing birds when the COVID-19 Pandemic forced border closures around the world including Trinidad & Tobago where he was vacationing at the time.

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What is the National Bird of Trinidad and Tobago?

10,000 Birds

The title of this post is a trick question as Trinidad and Tobago actually has two national birds, one for each of the country’s namesake islands. Trinidad is represented by the Scarlet Ibis , a beauty of a bird, resplendent in its crimson hue. the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago. When are you going? ….

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The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago: Two Guides, One Book Review

10,000 Birds

There were three profound questions my birding group discussed while we birded Trinidad and Tobago, back in December 2012: (1) How many Bananaquits could fit on a banana? (2) 3) What was the best guide to the birds of Trinidad and Tobago? 2) Which hummingbird was more beautiful—Tufted Coquette or Ruby-topaz Hummingbird? (3)

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Collaborative List – 2022

10,000 Birds

In 2022, the 10,000 Birds eBird Collaborative submitted 1,837 checklists from 9 countries ( Australia , China , Costa Rica , Mexico , Saint Lucia , Serbia , Trinidad and Tobago , United Kingdom , and the United States ) and observed 1,273 species. The Collaborative life list increased to 4,140.