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Cyprus Delights – Part III

10,000 Birds

However, my current favourite member of the family Cucilidae is the Great Spotted Cuckoo (GSC), a common bird in Cyprus in spring. Great Spotted Cuckoos really do have spots The GSC is a classic cuckoo in that it is a brood parasite: on Cyprus the Magpie is its favourite host. Cyprus is one of those places where anything can turn up.

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Cypriot Delights: Part I

10,000 Birds

I’ve been a regular visitor to the island of Cyprus for over 25 years, making around a dozen trips during this period, every one in search of birds. According to the taxonomists, these weren’t regular Scops Owls ( Otus scops ) but the endemic Cyprus Scops Owl ( Otus cyprius ). Laughing Dove : now a common resident on Cyprus.

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Bringing Griffon Vultures into Cyprus

10,000 Birds

A few months ago I shared with the 10,000 Birds community the plight of Griffon Vultures in Cyprus , and it has only been getting worse. A census conducted on March 31 indicated that there are in fact only only 6-8 Griffon Vultures left in Cyprus. CREDIT: ©Jane Stylianou / Cyprus Bird Tours a. What is this cause for hope?

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Cyprus forests and avian inhabitants

10,000 Birds

All our six endemics have exclusive or partial populations living in forest habitats – exclusive being the Cyprus Jay Garrulus glandarius glazneri , Cyprus Coal Tit Periparus ater cypriotes , Cyprus Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla dorotheae and Cyprus Scops Owl Otus scops cyprius. That’s quite a lot!

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Migrant Warblers in Cyprus

10,000 Birds

Migrating warblers typically pass through Cyprus from March until May every Spring – a fact that is sadly taken advantage of by illegal poachers. But that gets me thinking of just how many warbler species migrate through Cyprus. Their migration typically peaks about a week before the end of April however. Too good to pass up!

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Autumn 2011 Report From Cyprus

10,000 Birds

“The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) and Friends of the Earth (FoE) Cyprus have now released the report on their bird protection camp during the peak of bird migration in autumn 2011.

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Killing Birds in Cyprus – Fall 2011 Version

10,000 Birds

In Cyprus it also means that the hunters and trappers are active again. BirdLife Cyprus started their Fall monitoring program weeks ago. There are also hunters in Cyprus, which are an entirely different situation. Summer is ending, and that means the birds are migrating again. In specified areas. v=0Kk4B4YJWiQ a.

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