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A few hours of birding on Mauritius Island

10,000 Birds

Apparently, Mauritius has one of the lowest tax rates in the world. Offshore businesses located in Mauritius that do not do business with Mauritians nor use Mauritian currency are exempt from Mauritian taxes. Bird-wise, Mauritius is probably primarily known for a bird that no longer exists, the dodo. Quite nice looking, though.

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Salon des Refusés (part 2)

10,000 Birds

White-tailed Tropicbird (Mauritius). Spotted Redshank (Nanhui, Shanghai, China). Swinhoe’s White-eye (Nanhui, Shanghai, China). Whimbrel (Nanhui, Shanghai, China). White-bellied Sunbird (Kruger Park, South Africa). White’s Thrush (Nanhui, Shanghai, China). Yellow-billed Hornbill (Kruger Park, South Africa).


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Help save Mauritius wildlife

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Mikhozen [link] [comments].

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12 countries with the greatest bird species density

10,000 Birds

The other African destinations in this list are quite interesting too (Mauritius, Comoros, Cabo Verde), perhaps all but Equatorial Guinea due to complicated logistics of visiting the Bioko Island, poor infrastructure and political instability. The best season here is from June to September.

Gambia 224
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Benicio del Toro Writes Letter Opposing Monkey Breeding Facility in Puerto Rico

Critter News

As you might remember, Bioculture—a company that supplies primates to laboratories—plans to capture monkeys from their homes in Mauritius, hold them captive in Puerto Rico, and then sell thousands of their babies for use in painful and deadly experiments around the world.

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Pycnonotidae: A Critical Review

10,000 Birds

However, this does not apply to the Mauritius Bulbul , which is classified as vulnerable. .” In South Africa`s cape area, the usual approach to handing out bird names is just to add the word cape to the name of a bird family. Thus the Cape Bulbul. Fortunately, most of the bulbuls I have seen so far are not particularly threatened.

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Unacceptable Trade in Primate Research Animals

Critter News

Around 10,000 are bred and exported from Mauritius to the US, UK and Japan. If they think about what's going on and their role in it, then they might actually have to care. Here's a post on the Red, Green and Blue blog about the unspeakable trade in macaque monkeys as research subjects.

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