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Back From Birding Hungary

10,000 Birds

And what a trip to Hungary it was! Before I get into the nitty-gritties of my awesome birding experiences in Hungary I thought I would just share a few of the shots that I got during the trip. If you ever get the chance to visit Hungary you should take it: you definitely won’t regret that choice. I’m baaack!

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By The Time You Read This I’ll Be Birding In Hungary!

10,000 Birds

We Americans, or at least this American, know little about Hungary. But this American did know enough that when Swarovski Optik offered a spot on a week-long trip to Hungary that I couldn’t possibly say no. Anyway, Hungary! Daisy, however, could have. That is all I want to say about that.

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A hooded crow

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Photo taken in Budapest, Hungary - Margit Island submitted by /u/Jacksome_Hand [link] [comments]

Hungary 52
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Feeding a Fledgling Song Thrush

10,000 Birds

It is a fledgling Song Thrush being attended by a parent outside of the wonderful Nomad Hotel in Hungary’s Bükk Hills. I hope she brings me more cherries and not a slimy slug. ••• My week-long trip to Hungary was a familiarity trip organized by the wonderful folks at Swarovski Optik.

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Finding Birds in Northern Greece by Dave Gosney

10,000 Birds

Dave Gosney’s Finding Birds Series covers mostly the Western Palearctic and describes birding in various regions of Portugal, Spain, Morocco, France, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc., with some additions, namely South Texas, The Gambia, and Goa (India).

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Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla

10,000 Birds

Until a month ago I had never seen the Eurasian Wryneck either, but the trip to Hungary took care of that gap on the life list easily. Many thanks to Swarovski Optik for inviting me along and letting me experience both some awesome new optics and the natural wonders of the wonderful country of Hungary. ••• a.

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Birding Sarokház Panzió – An Airport Hotel in Budapest

10,000 Birds

Having jumped around a bit while writing up my trip to Hungary – sharing a few galleries , a trip to find an elusive woodpecker , and the most exciting news in optics since Galileo discovered Jupiter’s moons – I thought it was time to go back to the beginning of the trip and proceed chronologically.

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