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Artificial intelligence poised to transform veterinary care


Veterinarians increasingly are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) to improve practice efficiency and clinical outcomes. How veterinarians are using AI and its potential to transform veterinary medicine were discussed at a recent symposium at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

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The Changing Fortunes of Europe’s Vultures – Part 2

10,000 Birds

I left my previous article asking what of the Yellow-legged gulls that had alerted me to the presence of migrating vultures over Gibraltar? Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis breed on the Rock of Gibraltar and the late spring arrival of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus coincides with the time that the gulls have chicks on their nests. Gulls are aggressive in the defence of their young and they don’t like big raptors getting close.


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10,000 Birds

The quiet village of Moco-moco in southwest Guyana was the most southerly point of our sojourn into the landlocked country some months ago. Myself and dear friend Leon blitzed across the savanna in the pre-dawn pinks and purples en route to this village as I strained my eyes trying to pick any birds from the landscape. Much of the land was parched and brown, the vegetation was stunted and windswept.

Guyana 227
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Reddit Animals

Hi - I am located in Eastern MA. Don’t judge me but I leave out food for wildlife because I love to see visitors. So far I have seen many raccoons, possums & last night two skunks. What other animals could come visit ?

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Webinar & PDF Test

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Veterinarians advised to watch for drug-resistant ringworm infections


Ringworm infections caused by the novel Trichophyton indotineae fungus have been reported in human populations worldwide, including the United States. Now public health officials are asking veterinarians to be on the lookout infections in their patients.

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Minnesota creates title protection, licensure pathway for veterinary technicians


Veterinary technicians will now be included in Minnesota’s Veterinary Practice Act after a bill included in an omnibus package was approved by the Minnesota state legislature on May 19 and signed into law soon after by Governor Tim Walz. Its passage means a licensed veterinary technician (LVT) will be regulated by the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine (MBVM).

Minnesota 377

More Trending

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FDA allows compounded FIP drug in certain cases


The Food and Drug Administration recently announced that it does not intend to enforce new animal drug approval requirements for the antiviral medication GS-441524, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian for a specific cat patient for the treatment of feline infectious peritonitis.

Medical 386
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Bovine, equine groups create veterinary technician utilization guidelines


The American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) and The American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians and Assistants (AAEVT) have both released guidelines to help properly leverage credentialed veterinary technicians in bovine and equine practices, which can assist with improving patient care and addressing retention.

Groups 388
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Drugs for treating heart failure, respiratory diseases receive FDA approval


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced in April and May that it approved several animal drugs, including those that treat congestive heart failure in dogs, and respiratory diseases in cattle and swine.

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USDA’s loan repayment program pays out $9M in 2023


In April, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture published its Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program report for federal fiscal year 2023. During that time, $8.6 million was awarded to 88 veterinarians. The report outlines how the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program is strengthening veterinary services in underserved parts of the country and in field where veterinary expertise is in high demand.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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AHS updates heartworm guidelines for dogs


The American Heartworm Society (AHS) published an updated version of its Canine Heartworm Guidelines on heartworm prevention, diagnosis, and treatment on April 9. The revised guidelines now recommend both Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved isoxazolines and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)–approved mosquito repellent products to kill mosquitoes and help prevent the spread of heartworms.

Dogs 346
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Zenor selected as AVMA chief membership officer


Dr. Bianca Zenor joined the AVMA on March 25 in the role of chief membership officer. She will oversee the organization’s Membership and Field Services Division, the Convention and Meeting Planning Division, and the Veterinary Career Center group.

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American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation – February 23-24, 2024


The American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (ACVSMR), recognized by the American Board of Veterinary Specialties as an AVMA-recognized veterinary specialty organization, welcomed new diplomates following the board certification examination held remotely from February 23-24.

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$200M from federal government aims to stop spread of H5N1 among dairy cows


The federal government announced May 10 that it will devote $200 million to enhance its response efforts to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI, more specifically avian influenza type A H5N1), particularly among dairy cattle.

Cows 303
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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APHIS finalizes rule requiring electronic ID tags for certain cattle, bison


The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced April 26 it will issue a final rule that mandates electronic identification (EID) tags for interstate movement of certain cattle and bison to prevent disease outbreaks.

Cattle 286
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Basketball legend turned billionaire gives AVMA keynote


Earvin “Magic” Johnson, one of the best NBA players of all time, will deliver the AVMA Keynote at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 22, at AVMA Convention 2024, being held in Austin, Texas. The talk is sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition in partnership with the AVMA Trusts.

Austin 259
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Association of Shelter Veterinarians – April 25, 2024


The Association of Shelter Veterinarians held its annual member reception on April 25 in New Orleans. The association presented awards and announced new officials.

Shelters 278
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Virginia VMA – February 22-24, 2024


The Virginia VMA (VVMA) held its Virginia Veterinary Conference from February 22-24 in Roanoke. The association presented awards and seated new officials.

Virginia 299
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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AVMA hires McCullock as chief economist


The AVMA has announced that Katelyn McCullock joined the Association’s Veterinary Economics Division as director April 30.

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AVMA Convention grants opportunities to explore veterinary career options


AVMA Convention 2024 offers a slate of educational sessions and events devoted to making the most of a career in veterinary medicine.

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In Memory – May 23, 2024


Veterinarian obituaries in the “In Memory” section of the Journal of the AVMA, May 23, 2024

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LISTEN TO THE BIRDS: A KidLit Bird Book Review

10,000 Birds

By Susan Wroble Susan Wroble is a Denver-based children’s author with a focus on science-based stories. When she is not writing, you can find Susan trying to transform her yard into a native plant habitat or working at Colorado Children’s Hospital with the family’s therapy dog. She has a lifelong love of birds, perhaps instilled at birth with her middle name—Burd.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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PRRS diagnosis quicker thanks to new online tool


Researchers have launched an anonymous web-based diagnostic tool that allows for rapid diagnosis of new strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and other swine diseases.

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More Heath Birding around Bonn

10,000 Birds

I had just been to Wahner Heide (heath) a few weeks ago and covered that visit in my last post , but I found myself back in the same area with my parents for a short Sunday visit. The heath is actually quite extensive and there are some other areas that I would like to explore, but we went to the same spot we were at last time because it is easiest to reach.

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Getting a Leg Up

10,000 Birds

During our recent California trip, I enjoyed some excellent birding. I also developed my latest manifestation of a series of skin infections that I have experienced over the past year, this one worse than all its predecessors. (Not a sugar problem, in case anyone thought of that; my fasting sugar levels are perfectly healthy.) Believe me, Staphylococcus aurea is not the kind of species I would choose to write about on 10,000 Birds.

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The Magic of Kerkini in May

10,000 Birds

May has long been my favourite month of the year. The days are longer and warmer, flowers fill the meadows, and the birds are back. True, most of our migrant breeding birds start to return in April, but in May even the late arrivals – Turtle Doves, Swifts, Spotted Flycatchers and Nightjars – finally appear. As the last four are among my favourite birds their reappearance is always something to look forward to.

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New Production Test

Speaker: cha cha dwyer

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Some Hokkaido Winter Passerines

10,000 Birds

Given how far Hokkaido is from Europe, it seems a bit surprising how many bird species wintering on this Japanese island have a name starting with “Eurasian” Or how many of these species I have also seen in my parents’ garden in Germany. Like the Eurasian Nuthatch. It keeps itself busy in winter – according to the HBW, “In winter months spends up to 90% of time in gathering food.” No wonder then that the life of nuthatches tends to be short.

Research 130
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The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

10,000 Birds

Actually, Eliza Doolittle would be pleased to know it doesn’t always stay just there. When I drove to Xábia at the end of April to visit my brother at his new house the rain was pretty much everywhere in Spain. After a long drought this was welcome news for the Spanish people, but for me it was a bit sour grapes. Finally going out to find me a Moustached Warbler and it’s raining.

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A Gentlemen’s Big Day’s Birding

10,000 Birds

In my younger days I was very keen on what is generally known as Big Day Birding, or trying to see as many species of birds as possible in one day. In 1983 I co-wrote a book about a one-day, 24-hour competitive birdwatch that I took part in. Called The Big Bird Race , it tells the story of how my team, representing Country Life magazine , recorded 155 species in 24 hours in East Anglia (Suffolk and Norfolk).

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A Bee-eater Summer?

10,000 Birds

A couple of years ago my friend Martin Tickler called me late on a grey Sunday afternoon. “You won’t believe this, David, but there’s a flock of nine Bee-eaters sitting on the wires in the field behind my house.” Bee-eaters are one of the most colourful, and beautiful, of all European birds, but they are very scarce visitors to Britain. The prospect of seeing nine in my home county of Suffolk was irresistible.

Greece 130
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Webinar 8/18/23

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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