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Wake for the Wild

10,000 Birds

Wind farms are an emotive and divisive issue, especially amongst birders. The irony that wind allegedly produces ‘green’ or renewable energy isn’t lost on those that protest against the hundreds of planning applications that are lodged annually for new wind farms.

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Open Season on Bald Eagles

10,000 Birds

Look at the facts, lay your emotions aside and listen to reason—exactly the same reasoning that’s been so persuasive in convincing me that hunting cranes is the right thing to do. Many people similarly feel sentimental about Bald Eagles, what with their being the national symbol, but that is just an example of misplaced emotion.

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From the Animal Rights Action Network re: Greyhounds

Animal Person

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" - Albert Einstein 1879-1921 One of the best ways you can help ARAN is to get actively involved with our ongoing research, lobbying, events, projects, peaceful protests and tabling events across Ireland.