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Pain questionnaire adapted to identify osteoarthritis in horses


A team of researchers has developed a questionnaire to help horse owners identify and monitor signs of osteoarthritis pain to facilitate earlier and more effective treatment for horses.

Horses 333
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The Changing Fortunes of Europe’s Vultures – Part 3 The Egyptian Vulture

10,000 Birds

The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus has been one of my favourite birds since I was little. Look at it close up and it does look grotesque. I couldn’t describe it better than Willoughby Verner did in his book “ My Life Among the Wild Birds in Spain ” published in 1909: “ It is when the Egyptian Vulture or Neophron, as it is also styled, is seen close at hand that it is revealed in all its hideousness.

2004 243

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Pictures of a squirrel I was able to get

Reddit Animals

This was probably one of the best things that’s happened to me other than the opportunity I had to pet a cow submitted by /u/Mystic_Falls15 [link] [comments]

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Government prepares to ease federal restrictions on marijuana


The U.S. Department of Justice is seeking to reclassify marijuana from a highly restricted Schedule I drug to a less tightly regulated Schedule III controlled substance.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges – April 11-13, 2024


The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) held its annual conference and Iverson Bell Symposium from April 11-13 in Washington, D.C. The AAVMC presented awards and seated new officials.

Medical 290
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El Paso VMA presents awards


The El Paso VMA (EPVMA) held its 39th annual community awards banquet on May 18 in El Paso.

El Paso 279

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Foundational Work

10,000 Birds

I hereby confess that last week I failed to write a post, although I should do so each week. In my defense, I spent my Thursday morning “deadline” three hours away from my home, in the eastern Michoacán town of Zitácuaro. I was participating as a speaker and guide in the Third Bird Festival of Michoacán. The festival lasted three days, Wednesday through Friday.

Lamb 217
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Rupununi River Cruise

10,000 Birds

Originating from the word “Rapon” which translates to Black-bellied Whistling Duck in the Makushi language, the Rupununi River flows north and then east, where it then joins the mighty Essequibo River that flows northward through the rest of Guyana, ultimately meeting its end at the country’s (only) Atlantic coast. During the rainy season the Rupununi River shares a watershed with the Amazon and is connected to several other water courses via flooded plains.

Guyana 226
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Kerkini: Europe’s Best Bird Lake?

10,000 Birds

Though the birding around Lake Kerkini may be outstanding, it’s inevitably the lake itself that is the centre of interest. It’s a reservoir, not a natural lake, and was formed by damming the Striminos river, which flows into Greece from neighboring Bulgaria (unfortunately bringing with it huge amounts of plastic rubbish, creating problems for the National Park.

Pelicans 206
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Fairy Pitta at Nanhui, Shanghai (Spring 2024)

10,000 Birds

While I will later certainly regret not keeping this sighting for my regular monthly post on Shanghai birds (it can be difficult to find interesting birds in June), it is just too tempting to show some photos of a Fairy Pitta migrating through Shanghai on June 1st, 2024. Just photos, no words. The post Fairy Pitta at Nanhui, Shanghai (Spring 2024) first appeared on 10,000 Birds.

Birds 130
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Dog attacked rabbit nest

Reddit Animals

My dog and I were in the yard today when I heard a squeaking noise like a baby bird - I looked over and i my dog was sniffing hard at the ground, I went over and he had a baby bunny in front of him, very small with its eyes not open yet. He picked it up in his mouth while I tried to get it away from him (he’s 75 pounds so I struggled to get him away from the nest and he’s attacked full frown rabbits before; he has a strong predictor instinct for rabbits) I saw the nest and ran to grab something

Rabbits 40
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How my grandpa's dog 'saved his life'

Reddit Animals

No he wasnt in any life danger but if he was his dog could of saved his life. My grandpa has a dog, her name is Susie, my grandpa is a diabetic. Anyways I was sleeping over at my grandpa's house and I'm a heavy sleeper and was annoyed Susie kept jumping on me then I heard my grandpa's blood sugar checker or whatever it beeps when his blood sugar too high or low.

Dogs 40
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Peacock help!

Reddit Animals

Hi so my neighbor and I have had a peacock feud for years. He never feeds his birds and there are always ripping up my yard and attacking me and my dog. The peahen comes every day to eat the cat food. She hatched babies today in MY YARD which she does every year. My neighbor will literally come over just to collect the babies and sells them. I don’t have an issue with the bird I have an issue with him neglecting them just to sell the babies.

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Posted this on r/rabies, but I’m trying to reach a bigger community:

Reddit Animals

Help! Bf bitten by a stray kitten My bf was trying to move a kitten out of his way at a work site behind a warehouse where the guys feed a lot of stray cats. The kitten was aggressive and scared, and he bit by bf on the tip of his finger. This was yesterday at 11am, so about a day and a half ago. The bite broke skin barely but it was still enough to draw a little blood.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Found baby(moles?)

Reddit Animals

I found them in my burn pit, underneath all the soot very glad they didn’t get roasted the night before when we burned it. We have no clue what they are or how old they are. We want to know how to take care of them properly but the internet isn’t helping… no mother that I could find. They hate light and begin to squirm and hide their faces when exposed to it.

Animal 52
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SF panel advances plan to seek private funds for panda project as critics voice concerns

Reddit Animals

A committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has approved a resolution that would allow city departments, including the mayor’s office, to solicit donations from private philanthropic groups to help fund the costly endeavor of hosting giant pandas from China at the San Francisco Zoo.

Pandas 40
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Do eastern grey squirrels make their alarm calls because of humans sometimes or is it mostly just predators?

Reddit Animals

Had walked home and there was a squirrel on the next door neighbor’s house looking at me as it did it’s alarm call. Was it because it saw me or did it see something else? It seemed to stop when I got in my house. Do they sometimes get bothered by humans? I definitely never bother squirrels though, but my sister has chased some before as a joke while I was with her.

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A Crow Threw Sticks At Me

Reddit Animals

After parkrun on Saturday, I noticed a small crow hopping around near my car. Tow larger crows (assume parents) were in the trees making a racket. The small crow must have been the youngster and hadn't mastered flight yet. There was a small wall, about two foot high, that separated the roads and the park, so I thought I need to get the youngster over the wall.

Birds 40
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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do vets typically refuse to show xrays?

Reddit Animals

took my dog to the vet the other day because he seemed like his back legs were kinda weak or something. At the vets office she pressed on his back area and he didnt really make any sounds but he like "breathed heavily" when she pressed on his stomach and then wanted to do an xray of his abdomen. I say ok to the xray and they take him out of the room, when the tech comes back in she says the vet said his liver looks enlarged and they wanted to do bloodwork.

Vet 40
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Where to report animal abuse if all you know is it's happening in Africa and you are in the us

Reddit Animals

I stumbled upon a tiktok page which appears to be a fraudulent shelter. Generally these shelter purposely neglect their animals and pretend to be a shelter asking for donations. My proof that this may be fake is I caught the account reusing other people videos, acting as if they were their own videos, I messaged him, he proceeded to deny it and turn messages off. how do I report to get this investigated because if there is abuse I would like to help.

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Help on pregnant cat.

Reddit Animals

So there's this pregnant stray that I've been taking care of lately (About 2 months) and I know she's pregnant, but now she's been vocalizing really loudly, and I know she wants me to follow her, but she keeps leading me to an abandoned house with a lock (I know she wants me there because everytime I turn back she always comes back out of the house to try, and make me to follow her inside again.) and I want to be with her when she's giving birth, but I can't just break in

Cats 40
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Relocating a wild rabbit

Reddit Animals

In my neighborhood, there’s a lot of wild rabbits, and it’s so cute, but there’s one rabbit who’s living in a terrain currently under construction, I want a way to NON-LETHALLY relocate the rabbit to a new location, any ideas?

Rabbits 40
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Question about relocating baby mice

Reddit Animals

My dog found 4 baby mice in a nest under my outdoor central air unit. The mother was there but ran away into the back yard woods. I need to relocate this nest because 1. I don't have the heart to just kill them, 2. My dog is friendly but would definitely accidentally kill them as she's already obsessed, 3. Neighbor has cats that come into our yard as well.

Mice 40
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What are these animals?

Reddit Animals

I was making a tier list of animals for fun and I made a tier for animals I don't know since there was alot. The second photo shows each one numbered, so you can say like, "1 is this animal!" Just so it's less confusing Note: 25 confused me because it looks like a tortoise from a movie, and I don't know if that's how they showed the tortoise one or if they misclicked a photo or something?

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I found a wounded cat, anyone knows what to do to help him?(Tw since the pictures of the cat show the wound)

Reddit Animals

Hello everyone, today I was going to work and I found this wounded cat in the street, it had a huge cut in the ear and a lot of dried Blood, I don't know if it's a stray cat or if he has a home, but i'm used to seeing him with small wounds and in the street, but never this bad, I will atach some pictures of the cat for a better understanding of the wound.

Wounded 40
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Reddit Animals

Hello everyone!! My crested gecko has a vet appointment July 8th, that is the soonest they could get her in. This is due to me living in an area exotic vets ate uncommon due to the low demand of them. I have a part time job, and my checks are usually about 400$ every two weeks. I live 30 minutes from my work so usually spend about half of that on gas there and back home.

Vet 52
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Question about cats

Reddit Animals

Hi everyone -- there is a stray cat in my neighborhood that often dwells around my house. Today she let me pet her and pick her up but she accidently scratched me. the scratches are very light and barely broke the skin, however are a bit red. She has never looked sick or anything so I am not too worried about rabies. She did have one wound on her shoulder and was balding a bit. should i be concerned?

Cats 40
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Animals with a cult following

Reddit Animals

I feel like some people become obsessed with certain animals and they have strange cult followings. My bestie is obsessed with sloths claiming they are the greatest. Help me pick a better one, please and tell me why.

Animal 40
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best tools for on the go bug observation?

Reddit Animals

i love going on walks and observing/taking pictures of the insects I find along the way, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a magnifier or tool of some kind I could carry with me! I don't really capture bugs, just watch them where they are and move along. I've been thinking I could get a loupe or a pocket microscope, but I'm not sure what magnification or model would be best!

Animal 40
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What should I feed blue jays?

Reddit Animals

I've been bribing some Jays to be my friends with peanuts and I was wondering what else I can give them :3 submitted by /u/Melodic-Television25 [link] [comments]

Animal 40
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Webinar 8/18/23

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Webinar fields