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Why are chimpanzees catching SIV from other monkey prey they eat?

Chimpanzees are known to have most likely been the main cause of HIV virus in humans...My question is maybe a bit to broad, but what i want to know is, why would an animal species continually consume something unhealthy?

Chimpanzees ate monkey species that had viruses they were not immune to...What is mostly the case with animals, is that they are always picky and by their own instincts determine what to and not to consume...Insects and worms will never touch a GMO fruit or food, but only natural, unpesticied vegetables and fruits right? Hyenas eat anything, but their digestive system lets them, whereas chimpanzees ultimately, purposely ate meat that let to disease...

This is very unnatural, weird and different to wildlife instinct...Which resembles humans, where we would often try to achieve something that is not necessarily good for us (and this is pretty self explanatory)...

What are your comments on this? This is just a one observation that kind of gives more insight to evolutionary theory and inescapable fact, that we are very similar to monkeys in a way...I am not sure i know of any such example in animals, aside from this one...Are there animals that would eat something on purpose, which is not healthy for them in the long run?

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u/SKazoroski avatar

This paper talks about how chimpanzees have adapted to SIV.


Could there be a possibility that some chpanzees opted for a toxic food source, as there was nothing else to consume at the moment?

It makes the most sense in my opinion...

u/SKazoroski avatar

Sure. In the wild, good food isn't just available on a silver platter 24/7/365. You take what you can get.


I'm not sure if you ignored this question, but please let me know if you know something about it...

" And if you dont mind, as well...I recently discovered that animals spread std's within their own communities...

I was quite frankly shocked, to be honest.. How do they learn that these diseases are dangerous for their survival...

Animals are instictive beings, and them spreading sexually transmitted diseases sounds weird to be true...Humans spread it because of unsatiable need for pleasure, but i am pretty sure that animals dont give an advantage to pleasure, when survival is involved."????

u/SKazoroski avatar

Animals probably don't know STDs exist so they're not doing anything other than just evolving towards being less negatively affected by them.

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And if you dont mind, as well...I recently discovered that animals spread std's within their own communities...

I was quite frankly shocked, to be honest.. How do they learn that these diseases are dangerous for their survival...

Animals are instictive beings, and them spreading sexually transmitted diseases sounds weird to be true...Humans spread it because of unsatiable need for pleasure, but i am pretty sure that animals dont give an advantage to pleasure, when survival is involved.

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You're kind of comparing apples and oranges.

Insects and worms don't touch the GM foods because they don't smell / taste / feel right. They've been designed to not be what insects and worms are attracted to.

The difference being that monkeys are still monkeys, despite being infected. The chimpanzees, presumably, can't identify a difference between the infected and uninfected monkeys. They may not even realise there's a connection between getting ill and the meat they're eating.


They are animals nonetheless...Animals definitely need this type of instinct in order to survive, as it is the only source of nutrition and what not...Humans definitely dont have it, but again, we have our own ways of understanding what goes into our stomach...Monkeys, with how much they are developed, rely on their instincts all the time.

Again, probably the main reason they even got siv is due to having nothing else to consume, but toxic meat, which was a solid compensation for the lack of nutrition or whatever...Taking into account that humans got hiv from them, we probably even hunted the worst monkeys, that were the easiest prey as well. So it really just comes down to how you look at it, but yeah, animals and monkeys, definitely have that sixth sense or wahtever you wanna call it, without it they are dead.

You asked a specific question. You seem to be arguing a different point.


Yes, because at first glance, i felt that this was the case, that we are similar...If you look at another comment here, you will see how i already spoken of the same thing.

I am a religious person, very religious, so i am just doing some research that at certain points looks like a solid counterargument for religion, but then i kind of refute it...

Truth is, i believe in God and his word, so i was just a tad bit surprised by stis animals' catch and diseases they get from doing animal things...If that makes sense.

The conclusion i got in the end is that it does not really matter because nature is unforgiving in a way, and animal societies dont really have the best hygiene, which makes sense for germs and viruses to spread more easily...zBut the way some presented this idea, that stis are so common in animal world, kind of sounds fake to be honest....

It makes sense that they have to spread it from time to time. They are not perfect, but they are perfectly knowledgeable to at least get that to the minimal degree, if anything....

Humans, on the other hand, are known to have multiple branches of stis, which just points out our unnatural habits and behavior...Believe it or not, humans are the most unnantural, non immune beings on Earth, and our peesence points out that we are not from this world...We are simply that much against this world, we have to take so much care to not get infected, to live normally, that its very obvious that we don't belong here.

I was recently commenting on how the calculation of Neanderthals going extinct makes no sense in context of them living parallel to homo sapiens...They went extinct 30 40k years ago, and then we went solo, stone age, bronze age , built the stonehenge etc....

Lets assume that they were living alongside each other, there is no way that a better suited hunter gatherer society could have died from a weaker humanoid...Someone pointed out how we maybe spread some disease they were not immune to or something like that...But again, to believe such a point, the species that now has to get 100s of vaccines to even comfortably travel across the world, that we, being immune to practically nothing in this world, are capable of destroying species that were relying on nature 100%...Its quite frankly just a stupid statement, there is no other way around it.

Stonehenge was built to circumvent any doubt about this evolutin theory, and Russians dug up some pictures from 1961, if i recall correctly, where its pretty obvious that Stonehenge was built by Bristish people in order to make lie of the century and just make a new history...All in all, this whole thing of evolution is a lie, like it or not...I am just observing animals, and trying to make some conclusions from what i see, and nothing points out to our incredible similarity with monkeys or whatever...

Civilisations started existing 6000 years ago, as much as we know, and thats where our literacy started being a thing...Religion will forever be the strongest argument of our existence, and nothing else points out to some other kind of theory...I will never believe archaelogical discoveries, simply because of this Stonehenge incident...Let me share the link woth you, hopefully reddit wont block it for some reason


I can not find a link, but we comfortably know that Stonehenge was restored in 1917 or something...I am not to sure if this was in news or sometiing, at the time, but doing it around the first world war is kind of tricky thing to do...Countries were obviously doing something else...

Then, we have first photos of it in 1906, and Britain was formed in 1700s..You really want me to believe that they are the oldest in the world...They were formed in 1700s for Christ sake, Serbia has monasteries, Vincha, and was formed in 600s or 700s or something like that...Is it not obvious that these guys are lying to us with this degenerate theory of evolution??

And even after restoring it, it's falling apart time and again...I mean, such a degenerate theory, that makes no sense if you just dig up a little bit...and all these movie theories, space theories and whatnot...Just not worth the commenting.

I really went on to write a huge response, but this was my main motivation behind this post...

Wow. You really splurged your thoughts there! Lol

I have a Christian background, I am a biologist, and I'm from the UK, so there are a lot of points I can help you with from those you've raised. You need to take one point at a time though, as at the moment some of your information isn't scientifically accurate, so the conclusions you're drawing from it are also inaccurate. It's really cool that you're asking questions, though, and interested in challenging yourself.

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The biggest problem with Western society is that they dont know when to stop... They think capitalisticly, on a huge scale, they want one big globalization to happen, to make one culture that is going to rule the world...But they are blind to see how many arguments in The Bible alone are against their understanding of this world...

God said to us not to eat meat from animals that dont eat cud and dont have split hooves...Consequences from this are HIV from moneky meat, and a whole lot of other diseases we get from enjoying food we probably should not.

So the whole argument against God and that our own image of this world is correct is one big idiotic statement that is blind to see the consequences of such perspective.

They are incapable of seeing how trying to shape the world in a way they imagine is strictly against the God...Our lives would have so much less suffering, pain, hardships if not for the evil standards of Western society.

Consequences i am mentioning are polio viruses, plague, unhealthy and non nutricious food we consume (unhealthy because of our way of mass production, which is not organic and the way it should be), gasses, malaria that black people are immune to, but white men are not and so much more and so much more...We dont even know what vaccines are doing to us, and do we really believe that people thousands of years ago could not survive without them? Well, they obviously could, but we dont seem to think that way...

The whole issue with this agenda of not believing in God and doing as we please is just bringing new degeneracies to this world... Having electricity is fine, but if you know how to implement it to not ruin the whole planet...Teslas vision was extraordinary for sure, but probably has so many plotholes that dont take Gods word into account, not to mention how it motivated so many other people to fullfil thei dreams, visions, that are against Gods word ultimately...

I argue that parkinsons disease, Alzheimer, asthma, cancer obviously and so many more things are just a consequence of fulfilling our vision that is against Gods word...Even by fulfilling your dreams and not being directly involved with creating these degeneracies is ultimately a sin, and leads to hell...

As my father used to say, road to hell is built by good intentions...Just like Jesus said, forgive them God, they dont know what they are doing.

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