10 December 2006

From Today's New York Times

To the Editor:

I wish that I could better understand the recent trend of anthropomorphizing dogs. Is this a reflection of our society?

Our dogs have a better standard of living than millions of people in other parts of the world. I had two dogs growing up, and I remember their being thrilled with a dirty old tennis ball or a dip in the somewhat murky town pond.

While I do understand the need for companionship, especially in New York, this dog obsession has gone too far. Have we isolated ourselves so much that we need dogs to start a conversation or meet people? Do we feel better about ourselves when playing dress-up with our dogs?

It seems as if we are humanizing dogs in a perverse effort to make us feel more human ourselves.

Loretta O’Driscoll
Brooklyn, Dec. 7, 2006

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